How travel brands can use the Japanese concept of Ikigai to become better businesses

Ikigai (生き甲斐) is an ancient Japanese philosophical concept that means "a reason for being” and can be a powerful tool to help identify purpose, and what represents living a purposeful life. Essentially, it’s that sweet spot between what you are good at, what you love doing, what you can be paid for and what’s useful or needed by others. Often, there’s an imbalance, or we can get stuck or place too much emphasis on just one of these elements. Ikigai is found in the magical place where the four converge. It’s quite neatly summed up in this venn diagram (love a venn diagram!) - try it for yourself -

The philosophy has also been applied to business, notably in the start-up world, as a way to create a road map for business development, growth and decision making, and is a particularly useful tool for conscious travel brands to implement, whether they’re of start-up size or already an established business. We are supporters of the “enlightened entrepreneurship” concept, which allows the ability of a person or business to be true to their passions, be of positive consequence and still use business and business success as a form of expression. 

What if more hoteliers and travel companies used Ikigai in their business plan? We think it would make for better, more socially and environmentally conscious, authentic travel companies. Shout out to the industry disruptors demonstrating this “sweet spot” between commercial and community focus including newly launched London hotel brand Inhabit Hotels and adventure specialists Much Better Adventures.

Not only can integrating this concept into your brand help build a better business, what’s more, as a travel brand, by faciliating escapism, personal journeys and away-from-it-all time, you can also help your guests to ponder and find Ikigai for themselves. Creating joy, fulfilment, balance…sounds like success to us.